Tuli Block
Tuli Block
The private game reserve is located in the Tuli Block in the southeast of Botswana. It’s only a 450 km drive from Johannesburg airport to the reserve, taking an easy 5 or 6 hours to complete by car. For those that prefer to fly, a newly completed airstrip in the reserve facilitates a quick flight.
Savannah, mountains and bush come together in the Tuli Block, creating a unique ecosystem that supports an incredible biodiversity. The private game reserve is a unique showcase of this biodiversity. Rhinos, elephants, leopards and hippos now roam the vast area of the reserve on what was once farmland, but is being restored into its true wilderness state.
Good to know
There hasn’t been a case of malaria in this part of Botswana in several years. The Tuli Block is officially classified as a low-risk malaria area. The private game reserve is located on freehold land. Participants can enjoy the abundance of wildlife, habitats, historical sites and spectacular scenery in privacy and can take part in conservation and community projects at their own pace.