Wild dogs are always aware of danger

Preserving wildlife

Preserving wildlife

The reserve focuses on an incredible and superior owner-experience while at the same time providing education, jobs and other opportunities for neighboring communities.

Preserving the vast wilderness area through the appropriate management of its ecosystem and biodiversity and the reintroduction of endangered species is part of the reserve’s stated mission.

As an owner, you can actively take part in the various conservation and community projects offered by the reserve.

Tagging wild dogs, taking part in the reintroduction of endangered animals, visiting schools and providing jobs and education for local communities are examples of programs that are offered by the reserve and they are an essential part of leaving a legacy for future generations.

Wild dogs

The African wild dog, African hunting dog, Cape hunting dog, African painted dog, painted wolf, painted hunting dog, spotted dog, or ornate wolf, all refer to the same wild dog, the lycaon pictus. It is the second-largest wild canid after the grey wolf, and the largest canid in Africa. They predominantly live on the savannahs and in lightly wooden areas.

The African wild dog is one of the world’s most endangered mammals. Only 3500 to 4500 individual animals are to be found in the wild today, mainly in East and Southern Africa. A very small population compared to the 500.000 dogs that once roamed the entire continent. Wild dogs have been reintroduced into the reserve and the group of five released in May 2010 has naturally grown into a beautiful pack of 35 individual dogs, with a litter of gorgeous new pups each year.